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A Brief Outline On Different Kinds Of Blood Disorders

Blood Disorders

A healthy person enjoys walking around and he has a zest to do things while an unhealthy person has health complications and does not have the stamina to perform even some simple tasks. Over a period of time his health gets deteriorated and medical intervention will make him better. Blood disorder is a serious problem and when something goes wrong with the blood health takes a beating.

What Is Hematology?

Blood disorders are treated by hematologists and the study of medicine related to blood disorders is known as Hematology. Blood disorders are of many types and the problems arise with white blood cells, platelets, red blood cells, spleen, bone marrow, etc.  A Hematologist applies his specialized knowledge and treats patients with blood disorders. Liquids and solids are part of blood. The liquid part of blood is called as plasma and it contains salt, protein and water. 

Blood disorders can occur due to hereditary causes and side effects of certain drugs. If you skip vital nutrients you are prone to be affected by some form of blood disorder. So that is the reason why a balanced diet is very essential for the smooth functioning of the body. This disorder can affect the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Platelets are the smaller circulating cells in the blood. Oxygen is transported to the body’s organs by red blood cells while white blood cells help to fight infections. 

White Blood Cells Disorder


The symptoms for white blood cells and red blood cells vary and the treatment administered also differs. Some disorders are classified as affecting red blood cells while some are affecting white blood cells. The common disorder which affects both youngsters and adults is anemia. It affects the red blood cells and anemia is commonly characterised by deficiency of iron but there are other types of anemia and they are iron deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia, aplastic anemia and sickle cell anemia. 


Here, normal production of haemoglobin is disturbed and it is caused by genetic mutations. It is an inherited disorder and when red blood cells suffer from shortage of haemoglobin oxygen does not reach all parts of the body and this condition is Thalassemia. It is a serious condition and it can affect their growth. Bone deformities and enlarged spleen also occur due to this blood disorder. 

Platelet Disorders

Platelet is very essential for the proper functioning of the body. What does platelets do? When a person has a cut blood oozes from the cut and platelets plug the blood loss. Platelet disorders can cause some abnormalities. Not having enough platelets and having too many platelets are causes for concern. Even platelets that do not clot correctly cause problems. Platelets disorders are inherited and some of the platelet disorders are 

  • Von Willebrand disease. 
  • Hemophilia.
  • Primary thrombocythemia. 
  • Drug induced platelet disorder. 

White Blood Cells Disorder

These blood cells help to fight the body against infections and this disorder can affect the immune system. 


This is a blood cancer and it affects body’s lymphatic system. The condition occurs when white blood cells change and grow out of control. 


In this blood cancer white blood cells multiply in the bone marrow. Acute and chronic leukemia are seen and chronic leukemia progresses slowly. 


Several tests are done to arrive at the disorder. A complete blood count test is carried out to arrive at the diagnosis. Different conditions require separate tests and they are carried out to get a clear picture. 


Minor cases can be corrected with medication. Antibiotics are prescribed to fight white blood cells disorders. Iron and vitamin B-9 and B-12 are prescribed to treat deficiencies. 


Blood transfusion is done to replace damaged or lost blood cells. Bone marrow transplants are done either to repair or repair the existing marrow. 

The blood cells disorders cause varying types of discomfort in patients. Not all will have the same type of discomfort and the symptoms and conditions vary from individual to individual. Once diagnosed, early treatment is recommended so that a person can recover faster and lead a healthy life. Even a slight dip in nutrients cause a lot of complications and it is always better to seek treatment at the earliest.

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Hi there! This is Devin Haney. I am a Freelancer. I love to Blogging. I would love to connect with everyone here. On relaxing Sunday afternoon you will find me.

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